Thursday 04th January 2018Lifestyle Interview
Thank you to Lifestlye North East magazine for this interview, in which we talk about my paintings, book, video and gallery in Prudhoe. Read it and let me know what you think.
Thursday 30th November 2017The Shared Pulse - Introduction to Film
Nat, filming the original Ruined Cottage
The short film I have been working on with Nat Wilkins of Canny Productions is almost ready and Nat has created an introduction, which I'm sharing as a cover photo. The film is about my practice, paintings, teaching, and the landscapes and derelict cottages that prod me into painting them.
Mike Tickell kindly read Noel Connor's poems for me and this adds a rich layer. Nat is going to create a series of short extracts of Mike reading other poems. Kathryn Tickell allowed me to use her beautiful music as a soundtrack. The film is in the final editing stages and Nat is adding credits and title - 'The Shared Pulse' - a quotation from Noel Connor's poem 'The Empty Chair,' from 'In the Pause of Passing.' The short film will be ready very soon.
Please follow the link to the introduction and let me know what you think!
Posted on November 30th 2017 on 11:14am
Friday 17th November 2017Christmas Opening, 24th November
Alison and I are having an opening in the gallery on 24th November. We would love to welcome you in - with a glass of wine, of course! It begins at 2pm. If you're working, just come along afterwards: we'll be there.
I have four new original Windows watercolours to be released for the event. I decided to paint a short series of rustic paintings of windows of village houses in Noli and Chambra when I was in the Himalayas earlier in the year. I painted them onto textured, handmade Khaddi paper, rough-edged, and enjoyed working on the smaller format and the beautiful, textured paper. These paintings will be shown on 24th November.
I also have prints and calendars and cards for you to browse, in different sizes. 'Frosty Morning, Forest Edge, Knitsley' is of a magical scene in Knitsley Forest, when I was walking early in the morning. The light caught the frost and the skeletal trees and a deer appeared in a glen nearby. And I have to include my first painting of Prudhoe 'Stanley Burn' as I celebrate two years of the gallery being open with you.
Prudhoe Christmas Lights are switched on in the evening and there are celebrations in the town.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Posted on November 17th 2017 on 09:09am
Wednesday 27th September 2017Painting with My Father
Watch out for an article coming soon about my father, Lawrence Stangroom. I painted beside Lawrie from being small and even worked alongside him occasionally when I was older. Lawrence was a professional illustrator and college lecturer by day and a fine artist on weekends and holidays, he and my mother Joyce having a large family to support (myself, brother Ian, and sisters Kay, Lynn and Janet). We even share themes for our work, such as Northumbrian frosty mornings, and we both painted mining subjects.
Lawrence Stangroom 'Frosty Morning'
My father had very little time to paint for himself. I do remember many fine paintings of boats, but barely one has survived.
Lawrence Stangroom
I now realise how lucky I am to have had a grounding in traditional methods from such a talented man. In the early 50s, Lawrence went to the Royal College of Art to study etching and engraving (MA). I’ve heard that his engravings were excellent, but I’ve never seen a single one. I’m always hoping someone will come forward one day with one, just for me to take a look at.
Posted on September 27th 2017 on 02:32pm
Friday 22nd September 2017Look North Video
I enjoyed my experience of filming for Look North.
Follow this link to see the clip.
Fellow Prudhoe resident Paul Mooney asked me to go on the show to judge the Look North calendar page, alongside students and friends Carol and Richard. Paul made the experience quite relaxing for me - considering he was pointing a camera my way!
Posted on September 22nd 2017 on 12:09pm
Thursday 07th September 2017Paul Stangroom Gallery on Look North
Very different and pleasurable afternoon in the gallery yesterday. Paul Mooney, Look North weather presenter, spent the afternoon here filming for the show. Paul asked me to judge the August Look North Weather Calendar page. He also asked me to tell him my life story in 30 seconds - not an easy one. He filmed the gallery, and also watched me paint, and work with students. I believe it will be screened either tonight or Monday. Let me know what you think.
Paul lives in Prudhoe himself and was very interested to see inside the gallery. He made filming a much more pleasant process than I expected. Filming took around three hours, and all of this will be condensed into just a few minutes' footage on TV.
Posted on September 07th 2017 on 12:22pm
Wednesday 19th July 2017New Series of Small Windows Watercolours
Having just completed two very detailed watercolours, it's very refreshing to develop this new series of smaller Windows works. This small window has developed dramatically in just one week, as you can see if you look closely at the photos below. I've been planning this new series for some time and I have a real sense of enjoyment working on these colourful originals.
The richly textured paper feels fine to work on, and is creating exactly the layered, textual effect I am after.
The second painting in my series of small Windows watercolours is now underway also, see below. I am working on the two, turn by turn. I have many ideas of exactly how to develop the series and it's very satisfying to see the new work taking shape.
Friday 30th June 2017Ruffside Farm
I'd like to share this painting, 'Ruffside Farm' and the first part of the poem accompanying it, written by my friend and poet, Noel Connor, for 'In the Pause of Passing.' It seems to be a poem partly about adapting to and surviving difficult times...
I Grew to Love
I grew to love that tree,
solitary, thick skinned,
clenching itself
to the stony ridge
behind the house,
muscling into the wall.
Young whippersnapper
it defied each winter,
leaned when to bend, to lean away
when the wind demanded,
to grow slow and hard-hearted,
a gnarled knowledge
shaping to survive,
knotting itself to the landscape...…/paul-stangroom-a…

Thursday 29th June 2017Teaching in France - Seventh Time
Holiday coming up for my UK students and a real change of scenery for me - I have just been invited to teach in Correze, France, for the 7th time, staying in this beautiful chateau, 31st July to 9th August. Alison and my sister Lynn and other helpers will be holding the fort at the Prudhoe gallery for me - looking forward to the journey.
Thursday 29th June 2017Great North Art Show, Ripon Cathedral
Other good news this month - I have been accepted to show six original Windows paintings at the Great North Art Show, so they will be hanging in Ripon Cathedral in September. I'm really looking forward to that, and pleased to be chosen, though I'll have to rearrange the gallery in Prudhoe. It's always interesting to see my work in a new setting - and this one is very special.
Great North Art Show have chosen six of my Windows paintings to be exhibited - 'Bedroom Window, Ruffside Farm,' 'The Blind,' 'Swallow's Nest,' 'The Blue Room,' 'Pantry Window, Ruined Cottage' and 'Garden Room'. Look forward to seeing them in such a beautiful cathedral setting in September.