Thursday 19th December 2019The Blanchland Murder
Belmount Farm is a building I have painted three times now. Two paintings feature a window and one the entire farm, see below. This gently crumbling building was the site of a mysterious and extremely bloody murder, exactly 120 years ago to New Year's day 2020.
On New Year's Day 1880, the 'Blanchland Murder’ took place. Robert Snowball, the master of the house, was hit in the head from behind, so brutally that his teeth were knocked out and the hammer was half embedded in his skull. This is his gravestone.

No one was ever convicted of the murder, though his elderly father, housekeeper Jane Barron and her beau were all questioned. Jane was accused and acquitted, there was very little evidence, and she left Belmount Farm to take a job in the Northumbrian borders.
This shocking murder has left, for me, no residue of trauma in the building – and I was blissfully ignorant of all this at the time that I visited the farmhouse. All three paintings are available as prints and two as originals.
Posted on December 19th 2019 on 10:03am
Thursday 05th December 2019Great Whittington Fell - Progression
'Great Whittington Fell' is the painting Countryfile filmed me painting, and they asked to see this progressive sequence of the work developing. The window is probably an old pantry window and the abandoned building is just north of Corbridge and Stagshaw, near the Errington Cofffee House.
The image on the left is the finished painting and print. In fact, when I returned to Great Whittington Fell with Countryfile for the filming, in the strong light of day, I saw that the stone had a slightly greener tinge, and I needed to rework it. The painting and prints are now on show in my gallery in Prudhoe.
Posted on December 05th 2019 on 02:27pm
Saturday 30th November 2019Countryfile - Great Whittington Fell
This is the painting that will feature on Countryfile tomorrow at 17.20pm -
Great Whittington Fell. The Countryfile team filmed me exploring the abandoned building, near Corbridge.
This is the Countryfile website right now, which outlines the show tomorrow.
Posted on November 30th 2019 on 03:04pm
Friday 22nd November 2019Great Whittington Fell, Countryfile
Countryfile filmed me painting in two Northumbrian locations - the show will be screened on Sunday 1st December. One location was this old building just north of Corbridge, above Stagshaw, near the Errington Arms - many of you will recognise it.
Great Whittington Fell
Matt and Dan from Countryfile filmed me painting from the inside of the old building, looking out through a window to the north. The second location was Wall Fell Farm and they also filmed me in my Prudhoe gallery.
Posted on November 22nd 2019 on 12:22pm
Tuesday 12th November 2019Countryfile, Sunday 1st December
I spent an excellent 2 days with Countryfile‘s Matt and Dan last week as they filmed me painting near Stagshaw, Corbridge for the show. It will be screened at 6 pm on 1st Dec and the theme of the programme is Teesdale and Northumberland.
Producer Matt Smith wanted to see me exploring Northumberland to find windows, houses and landscapes to paint and we went up past Stagshaw, Corbridge, to film at Wall Fell Farm. Next, we walked across to Great Whittington Fell and filmed a window there.
This was at Wall Fell Farm. Filming finished up in my Prudhoe gallery.
Posted on November 12th 2019 on 11:42am
Wednesday 11th September 2019September Series Feature, Tyne Valley Express
Thank you to the Tyne Valley Express for this feature about the latest six watercolours showing in my gallery this month. Visitors to the gallery are very welcome.
Posted on September 11th 2019 on 09:59am
Monday 02nd September 2019Coalcleugh in the Snow
This is my latest painting, the last of six new paintings currently on show in my gallery which I have finished off over the last few weeks.
Coalcleugh in the Snow
Posted on September 02nd 2019 on 03:41pm
Tuesday 20th August 2019Quarry Man's Cottage, Carrara
It was late October when Alison and I spotted this cottage in Tuscany, in the quarry from which Michelangelo bought his marble. It was a bright day, extraordinary in October, according to the locals, and the light was outstanding. This little house has survived several devastating earthquakes.
This is one of six new originals showing from next week in my gallery, and is also available as a print.
Tuesday 20th August 2019Belmount Farm
For over 35 years, I have watched Belmount Farm slowly deteriorate. Wherever I have been in the world, this farm and the surrounding landscape have stayed in my mind, and I have returned to painting it once more. There was a rainbow in the sky on this day, and a fine drizzle coming down all around it.
This is just one of six new originals that I am showing in the gallery from next week - a rare opportunity to see such a body of my new work. 'Belmount Farm' is also available as a print.