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Friday 06th March 2020Moorhouse - Work in Progress

My latest work in progress features Moorhouse, above Catton in Allendale.
This time last year, I was going for a blood transfusion in Hexham hospital. My good friend Chaz asked me I wanted to go anywhere, and we drove to Moorhouse and discovered these cottages. The photographs were quite inspiring and may lead to further paintings in due course. 
We also went to Limestone Brae, which also resulted in the painting below. Prints of 'Limestone Brae' are available and you are welcome to come into the gallery to see 'Moorhouse' develop. 

Posted on March 06th 2020 on 01:34pm

Tuesday 20th August 2019Limestone Brae

This atmospheric building also featured in my painting 'Old Barn', which I painted some 10 years ago. The room with that window in it in this building was still intact when I saw it last. This image is one that has stayed with me and in fact I was interested in buying this house at one point.
This painting is available as an original watercolour and a limited edition print and you can see it in my gallery from next week.

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